
Non-farm payrolls live

  • Fri 07 Jan 2022
  • 1.15pm (BST)

Join our UK chief market analyst, Michael Hewson, as he provides live-running commentary and analysis on the closely-watched US non-farm payrolls data release.

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The webinar starts 15 minutes before the data is released and runs for 30 minutes.

During the webinar you can:

  • Learn how the non-farm payrolls data affects the UK 100, US 30, US SPX 500, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, Gold, Silver, crude oils and more
  • Discover what effect the data has on price action and identify potential trading opportunities
  • Ask our analyst any questions around the release

Disclaimer: Please note that ALFATRADING-MARKETS is an execution-only service provider and does not give any investment advice. The content provided does not constitute nor is it intended that it should constitute any form of investment advice and should not form the basis of an investment decision.


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