
Quality of execution and top execution venues

We are required to take all sufficient steps to achieve the best possible result on a consistent basis when we execute orders on our client's behalf and this is known as best execution.

In line with MiFID II, in order to provide transparency and allow evaluation of our execution practices, we will publish execution data on this page.

We provide information on the execution venues we relied on for each of our products and detail how we assess the quality of execution provided to clients.

Spread bets and CFDs

When you spread bet or trade CFDs with ALFATRADING-MARKETS, you are contracting with us and we act as the sole execution venue.

When you use our Prime FX or CFD Direct services, we are still the execution venue. However, we directly replicate your trade in the underlying market, through our liquidity providers.

CMC deals as principal in all cases and does not operate an order book in which client's orders could provide or take liquidity, so we do not consider the distinction between passive and aggressive orders to be relevant to CMC's reporting.

Download 2020 spreadsheet

Annual summary of execution

Our annual summary of execution is our assessment of the quality of execution provided to our clients.

View our 2020 annual summary of execution

Best execution reports

Our best execution reports cover the quality of our execution for over-the-counter(OTC) derivative products, as part of the RTS 27 MiFID II requirement. Please note some files may be over 50mb in size.

Get report

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